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Local Law 1 & Local Law 31
The "Lead Poisoning Prevention Law"
The Lead Poisoning Prevention Law
Local Law 1 of 2004, the NYC Lead Poisoning Prevention Law, requires landlords to inspect for and remediate lead-based paint hazards in New York City apartments.
What is asbestos used for?Asbestos is the name given to describe the fibers of six naturally occuring minerals found in metamorphic rock. Its many sought-after characteristics such as high strength and heat resistance combined with its flexibility is why it was used in many building construction materials over the years.
Where is asbestos found?Due to the many beneficial properties of asbestos, it can be found in a vast array of building materials such as: - Roofing Shingles - Floor Tiles - Cement Products - Textured Paint - Fire Proofing - Siding Shingles - Adhesive / Mastic - Heat-Resistant Fabric - Ceiling Tiles - Paper Products - Insulation - Patching Compounds - Gaskets - Pipe Coatings - Packaging - Clutches & Brakes - Etc.
When is asbestos a potential problem?Asbestos fibers are most commonly released into the air during various types of construction work. ​It is uncommon to be exposed to asbestos if the material is not being disturbed or damaged. Keep in mind that asbestos fibers travel through the air so the issue does not necessarily have to be in your home or office. Do you have a neighbor who is undergoing construction? Before beginning any sort of construction, renovation, or demolition project it is important, and in many areas a legal requirement, to first conduct an asbestos test.
How can you prevent asbestos exposure?It is usually difficult to tell if something is asbestos just by looking at it. If you believe it to be asbestos, leave it alone, and have a trained professional come to assess and sample the suspect material(s). Asbestos testing and analysis is the only true way to know whether or not a material contains asbestos. Please see these Do's and Dont's for some additional tips.
Local Law 31
As of August 9, 2020, unit owners must use a 3rd party, EPA certified, inspector or risk assessor to test for lead-based paint on all painted surfaces.
What is asbestos used for?Asbestos is the name given to describe the fibers of six naturally occuring minerals found in metamorphic rock. Its many sought-after characteristics such as high strength and heat resistance combined with its flexibility is why it was used in many building construction materials over the years.
Where is asbestos found?Due to the many beneficial properties of asbestos, it can be found in a vast array of building materials such as: - Roofing Shingles - Floor Tiles - Cement Products - Textured Paint - Fire Proofing - Siding Shingles - Adhesive / Mastic - Heat-Resistant Fabric - Ceiling Tiles - Paper Products - Insulation - Patching Compounds - Gaskets - Pipe Coatings - Packaging - Clutches & Brakes - Etc.
When is asbestos a potential problem?Asbestos fibers are most commonly released into the air during various types of construction work. ​It is uncommon to be exposed to asbestos if the material is not being disturbed or damaged. Keep in mind that asbestos fibers travel through the air so the issue does not necessarily have to be in your home or office. Do you have a neighbor who is undergoing construction? Before beginning any sort of construction, renovation, or demolition project it is important, and in many areas a legal requirement, to first conduct an asbestos test.
How can you prevent asbestos exposure?It is usually difficult to tell if something is asbestos just by looking at it. If you believe it to be asbestos, leave it alone, and have a trained professional come to assess and sample the suspect material(s). Asbestos testing and analysis is the only true way to know whether or not a material contains asbestos. Please see these Do's and Dont's for some additional tips.
Loca Law 76
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