Lead Testing
Maypole provides lead testing across the 5 boroughs of New York City. Whether you are looking to test for lead-based paint, dust, soil, air or lead water contamination we can help!
Let Us Help You!
With all the new lead regulations it can get confusing fast. Maypole is here to help you navigate the process from start to finish so you can remain compliant. Whether you just need us to point you in the right direction or you want us to manage the whole process, we got you covered!
Lead Paint Compliance
Annual Requirements
Turnover Requirements
New Requirements
Local Law 31: XRF testing
Departmental Orders
Lead in School’s Drinking Water
(Title X NYS Code Rules and Regulations subpart 67-4) -
Apartment or Building HPD Lead Exemption Status
Risk Assessments
Orders for Inspection - Correcting Violations
Clearance Testing
Lead-Based Paint Consulting
Buying or Selling a Home
Peace-of-Mind Inspections
Planning Renovation, Repair, or Removal Activities
Turnover Requirements (HPD)
Lead Dust Wipe Services
Post Removal Clearance
Lead Hazard Screen Risk Assessment (HUD/NYCHA)
Departmental Order (DOH)
Why Is Lead Testing Important?
Lead can affect almost every organ and system in the body. Children under the age of 6 are at the highest risk levels. The most important step a parent can take is to prevent lead exposure before it happens. In 2012 the CDC lowered the blood lead level of concern in children in the hopes that it will trigger parents and doctors to take action earlier.
Behavior and Learning Problems
Lower IQ
Slowed Growth
Hearing Problems
Seizures, Coma, Death (in rare cases)
Pregnant Women
Reduced fetal growth
Premature Birth
Cardiovascular Effects
Increased Blood Pressure
Decreased Kidney Function
Reproductive Problems
Lead Testing Services
Lead can be tested in paint, dust, water, soil, and air. Depending on the concerns one or all of these methods may be used. The lab analysis will show not only whether lead is present but also the levels present in the specific source.
Lead-Based Paint
If the paint is in-tact an XRF machine may be used. In the case that the paint is already damaged or will be removed, 2x2 paint chip samples will be taken and analyzed.
Lead Dust
Maypole will take dust wipe samples of any areas where dust is collecting or where deteriorating paint is detected, such as around windows and floors.
Lead in Water
Maypole will take multiple samples from each water source in the space and have it analyzed. Important if plumbing dates back prior to 1986.
Soil around the home or business will be collected and sent to a 3rd party for analysis - especially from areas where children may play.
An air sampling instrument will be used to collect multiple air samples from the space. Useful when there is nearby constructions, abatement, or visible debris.
Visual Inspection
Sampling of material(s)
Review of lab results
Written report of findings
Discussion of results
Explanation of report
What to Expect
The inspection is just the beginning of the services that Maypole provides. Once the inspection is complete and we receive the results back from the laboratory we will thoroughly review them prior to issuing the inspection report.
We are always here to answer any questions along the way or to discuss the results with you. In the event that lead is found we can also help you navigate the best course of action and your options on how to proceed.
Lead Regulations
New York City has recently lowered lead-based paint thresholds and increased laws and regulations. It is crucial for property owners to understand the new laws in order to stay compliant and avoid unnecessary fines.